Recite CMS Administration Guide

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. Installing Recite CMS
3. Initial Setup
Introduction to Maintenance Mode
Introduction to System Status
Setting Up the Maintenance Queue
Introduction to Package Management
Introduction to Brand Management
Setting Up A Control Panel Domain
Setting Up Default Modules and Drivers
Setting Up Default Widgets
Creating a New Client
Disabling Maintenance Mode
4. Package Management
Installing Packages
Which Packages Are Needed?
Upgrading Packages
Upgrading Recite CMS
5. Managing Brands
Creating a New Brand
Managing Brand Settings
Managing Control Panel Domains
Managing Default Brands and Drivers
Managing Default Brand Widgets
Creating a Tab
Using Pre-built Tab Templates
Adding a Widget
Re-organising Tabs and Widgets
Removing Tabs and Widgets
Deleting a Brand
6. Managing Clients
Creating a New Client
Managing Client Settings
Managing Web Site Domains
Managing WebDAV Domains
Managing Modules and Drivers
Managing Users and Permissions
Managing Permissions
Deleting a Client
7. Managing Licenses
Obtaining Licenses
Loading a New License
Viewing a License
Deleting a License
Transferring a License
8. Managing Users
Creating a New User
User Roles
Managing User Roles
Deleting a User
9. System Administration
Maintenance Mode
Web Server Configuration
Manual Web Server Configuration
Managing Configuration Templates
Controlling Brands and Clients
Automatically Restarting Your Web Server
Backup Manager
Exporting a Client Site
Importing a Client Site
Exporting a Branding
Importing a Brand
System Status
Database Management
Cache Management
10. Reporting
Activity Audit
Client Assets
Client Module Summary
Application Log
PHP Information
11. Summary

List of Figures

2.1. The Recite CMS installation screen.
2.2. The Recite CMS Administration Site once installation is complete.
3.1. The Recite CMS Administration Site when you first log in.
3.2. The brand details page.
4.1. The package management tool the very first time you load it.
4.2. The package management tool when there are new packages available.
4.3. The package management tool when there is a new version of Recite CMS available.
5.1. The brand creation page.
5.2. The brand settings page with the Global Settings bundle loaded.
5.3. The brand default modules and drivers page.
5.4. The brand default widgets page with no widgets yet created.
5.5. The brand default widgets page with two tabs: their layouts are 11 and 111.
6.1. The client listing page.
6.2. The client creation page.
6.3. The client details page.
6.4. The client modules and drivers page.
6.5. The permissions management page.
8.1. The user listing page.
8.2. The user details page.
9.1. The system maintenance page with maintenance mode enabled.
9.2. The web server configuration page.
9.3. The client backup manager.
9.4. The database management tool with an incorrect table and an undeployed table.
10.1. The Recite CMS audit log.

List of Examples

2.1. Sample Apache virtual host configuration for Recite CMS Administration Site
9.1. Crontab line for auto-restarting web server