Table of Contents
Brands are used to segment clients into different groupings. Each brand can have its own settings (such as Control Panel URL(s), theme, default modules and drivers, and Control Panel widgets).
Recite CMS can have any number of brands, each of which can be managed in the Brands section of the administration site.
When you load the brand management section you will be shown a list of existing brands. You can view the details of an existing brand by clicking on its name in the list of brands.
To create a new brand, click on Brands heading in the right-hand column.
on the brand listing page, or click next to theEnter a name for the new branding and select a Control Panel theme. The name is used for identification purposes within the administration section.
Finally, select whether or not you want to include this client in the automatic web server configuration. For more details on this, refer to Web Server Configuration.
Click the
button to create the brand. Once it has been created you will be taken to the brand details page, where you can then change brand settings.