Managing Users and Permissions

Without having any users assigned, nobody will be able to update a client's web site. You can create a new user by following the instructions in the Managing Users chapter, or you can create a new user from the client details page.

Creating a user from the client details page allows you to skip the test of assigning the user a role (if this does not make sense, refer to the other chapter for an explanation).

You can create a new user under the Users heading on the client details page. Select the type of user you would like to create from the user roles drop-down and click Create.

You will then be taken to the user creation page. Enter the details for the new user and click Save User. Once the user has been created they will then be able to access the Control Panel.

Managing Permissions

In addition to being able to create, edit and delete users, you can also control what users are allowed to do. This is achieved by managing permissions for the roles to which users belong.


You can manage the permissions of roles via the administration site, but roles can only be managed via the Control Panel.

These permissions can also be controlled via the Control Panel, but in some cases you may need to make some changes manually via the administration site.

To manage permissions for a client's roles, click the Manage permissions link on the client details page (under the Users heading). You will be taken to the permission management page.

Figure 6.5. The permissions management page.

The permissions management page.

On this page there is a table, with each row representing a different permission. Each column represents a different user role.

Each cell has three icons: tick, cross and filter. The tick grants permission to the role for the permission, while the cross denies permission. The filter icon means the permission is inherited. Additionally, each permission has a "default" column. This is the permission that is inherited.


The number prior to the role name indicates its inheritance hierarchy. For example, if the role Administrator has the number 1 in front it, then it doesn't inherit from any other role. If this had a role called Author beside it with the number 2, then any permissions set to inherit for Author will be inherited from Administrator (which will then in turn inherit from the default setting, if required).

The permissions are saved in real-time when you click an icon.