Managing Event Types

Every event that is created must be of a particular type. You can create any number of event types, each of which can have a different set of custom fields. This is useful, because you might want to store one set of fields for press relases and another set of fields for blog posts.

By default, Recite CMS will create an event type called News Article. It's up to you whether or not you want to use it - you can edit or delete it if required.

Creating an Event Type

To create a new event type, click the New Event Type button when viewing the list of event types.

You will now be shown the event type creation form. Enter a title for the event type and create a list of fields (refer to Managing Custom Field Lists for more details on managing custom field lists).

Once you have completed this form, click the Create Event Type button. The new type will now appear in the list of event types.

Editing an Event Type

To edit an existing event type, click the Edit link beside the event type.

Make any changes as required, then click the Save Event Type Changes.

Deleting an Event Type

To delete an event type, click the Delete link beside the event type you want to delete.

You must confirm this action before the event type is deleted. Click Yes, delete the event type to delete the event type.


You cannot delete an event type if there are still events using the type. You must first delete those events.