Viewing Page Summary

To view the summary of a page, select it from the left-hand tree. It will then be displayed in the right-hand pane. Additionally, any sub-pages will be revealed in the left-hand tree.

If the page you are viewing has a live version, a large green box is displayed indicating this. The box also includes the full URL where the page exists on your web site. Clicking it will load the live page in a new browser window.


If the page is live but it is beneath a page that is not live then you cannot view it live.

This "live version box" also contains other options, including the ability to create a draft version based on the live version; edit the live version; send the live version back to draft (overwriting any draft version if there is one); and delete the live version. If you delete the live version when there's no draft then the entire page and sub-pages shall be removed. You will be shown confirmation before this can occur.

If the page you are viewing has a draft version, a large orange box is displayed indicating this. This box contains options to preview the draft; edit the draft version; send the draft version live (overwriting the live version of the page if there is one); and delete the draft. If you delete the draft when there's no live version, the entire page and sub-pages shall be removed. You will be shown confirmation before this can occur.