Component Recite_Form

Methods used to manage forms in the Recite CMS Control Panel

Method: Recite_Form.ClearErrors

<static> Recite_Form.ClearErrors(form)

Clear all errors previously populated with the PopulateErrors method

  • Parameters:

    • Element form - The DOM element to remove form errors from

  • Returns: Void

  • See:

    • Recite_Form.PopulateErrors

Method: Recite_Form.CreateWysiwyg

<static> Recite_Form.CreateWysiwyg(options)

Create a WYSIWYG editor dialog. You can add custom buttons to it and handle any buttons as required. If you use the default buttons then an Ok and a Cancel button are shown.

  • Parameters:

    • Object options - The options used to build the WYSIWYG dialog

    • String options.title - Optional, Default: "WYSIWYG" - The title of the dialog

    • Object options.buttons - Optional - Each element is indexed by the button label and the value is the callback function. The dialog DOM element is passed as the first argument and the contents of the WYSIWYG editor is passed as the second argument. The dialog will not be automatically closed when these buttons are clicked.

    • String options.okText - Optional, Default: "Ok" - If not manually specifying buttons this is the text that will appear on the OK button

    • Function options.ok - Optional - If not manually specifying buttons this is the function to call when the OK button is clicked. The WYSIWYG editor data is passed as the only argument to this method. The dialog is automatically closed.

    • String options.cancelText - Optional, Default: "Cancel" - If not manually specifying buttons this is the text that will appear on the cancel button

    • Function options.cancel - Optional - If not manually specifying buttons this is the function to call when the cancel button is clicked. The WYSIWYG editor data is passed as the only argument to this method. The dialog is automatically closed.

  • Returns: Void

Method: Recite_Form.PopulateErrors

<static> Recite_Form.PopulateErrors(form, formErrors)

Populate a form with errors return from an Ajax request. Errors are populated based on their name, which must match up with the name passed to {form_error} in the form template

  • Parameters:

    • Element form - The DOM element of the form

    • String[] formErrors - The errors returned from the form.submitted event

  • Returns: Void

Method: Recite_Form.SerializeToObject

<static> {Object} Recite_Form.SerializeToObject(form)

Serialize a form into a normal object. This can then be passed as data to the Recite_Ajax.Ajax method

  • Parameters:

    • Element form - The form DOM element to serialize

  • Returns:

    • Object The serialized form values

  • See:

    • Recite_Ajax.Ajax

Method: Recite_Form.ShowFormSuccess

<static> Recite_Form.ShowFormSuccess(form, msg)

Indicate that a form was successfully submitted. This message will be shown where the "global" form error is normally display

  • Parameters:

    • Element form - The form DOM element that the success message should be shown within

    • String msg - The message to display

  • Returns: Void

Method: Recite_Form.SubmitViaAjax

<static> Recite_Form.SubmitViaAjax(form, fnSuccess, fnError)

Submit a form using Ajax

  • Parameters:

    • Element form - The DOM element of the form to submit

    • Function fnSuccess - Optional - The function to execute if the form was all valid. Accepts the form DOM element and the submitted.form event memo entry as its two arguments

    • Function fnError - Optional - The function to execute if the form was all not valid. Accepts the form DOM element and the submitted.form event memo entry as its two arguments

  • Returns: Void