URL Mapper

The URL Mapper allows to you redirect from arbitrary URLs on your web site to specific pages. For example, if you had created a page in the Page Manager that had a full URL of /products/my-product/, you could use the URL Mapper to create a shorter way to get here, such as /myprod.

You may also want to use this if you have a legacy URL that you want to maintain (such as a certain URL that a 3rd party search engine or web site uses).

In the previous example, if your site was www.example.com, and somebody visited www.example.com/myprod, they would be redirected to www.example.com/products/my-product/.


The URL mapper is designed to redirect from a URL that doesn't exist to one that does. If instead you want to redirect from a page created in the Page Manager, then you must instead edit that page's Meta Data. Specifically, you must use the redirect meta tag that is documented in the meta data section of the Page Manager chapter.

To load the URL mapper, click the URL Mapper link in the left-hand pane of the administration section. When you click this link you will see a summary of existing URLs that have been mapped. This table shows the URL being redirected, where it is being redirected to, and options to manage the URL.

Creating a New URL Mapping

To create a new mapped URL, click the Create URL tab at the top of the right-hand pane.

Enter the URL that you want redirected in the first input. Next, select the page you would like to redirect to from the select box.

Click Save URL to save your URL. The URL mapping is instantly enabled. You can test it yourself by visiting the "Redirect From" URL in your browser and checking to see the desired page is loaded.

Editing a URL

To edit a URL, click the edit icon when viewing a list of mapped URLs. You will then be shown a form similar to when you create a new mapped URL.

Update your mapped URL then click the Save URL button to save your changes.

Deleting a URL

To delete a mapped URL, click the delete icon in the action column when viewing a listing of the mapped URLs. You will be prompted to confirm deletion of the URL.

Click the Yes, delete the URL button to confirm deletion.