Mailing Lists

To send out mass-emails to users in a user directory you can use the Recite mailing list functionality. Currently Recite supports a third-party provider Campaign Monitor.

Each mailing list you create belongs to a single user directory. Note however that a user directory can have any number of mailing lists associated with it.


If you add a user registration form to your web site you can list out all mailing lists to the registering user so they can easily choose which lists they wish to be on. This is useful if you want to have one mailing for company news, another for upcoming events, etc.

Campaign Monitor

In order to use Campaign Monitor with Recite, you must first save your API key and Client ID (provided by Campaign Monitor) in Recite. This is achieved by creating two custom settings: one with the key campaign_monitor_api_key and the other with the key campaign_monitor_client_id.

For more details on creating custom settings, refer to the Custom Settings section.

Viewing Existing Mailing Lists

To view a summary of existing mailing lists, click the View Mailing Lists link in the left-column of the Users module.

You will then be shown any existing lists in the right-hand column, along with the directory each list belongs to and options to view, edit and delete the mailing list.

Creating a Mailing List

To create a new mailing list, click either the Create Mailing List link in the left-hand column or the New List tab when viewing mailing list overview.

First you must choose the mailing list type to use. Select Campaign Monitor from this list and click the Creating Mailing List button.

Next you will have to enter a title by which to recognise the mailing list, as well as selecting the directory the mailing list is to be linked to.


If you want any newly-created users in the linked directory to be subscribed to the mailing list, check the Auto-subscribe new users box. Users will only be subscribed once their account is activated.

Additionally, you will then need to enter any options associated with the mailing list type. For example, for Campaign Monitor list you will have to select the subscriber list created in Campaign Monitor.


Currently you have to manually create your subscriber lists in Campaign Monitor.

Once you have entered all the settings click Save Mailing List to save your new list. If any fields have errors you will be prompted to fix them before your list can be saved.

Editing a Mailing List

To edit a mailing list you can either click the edit icon when viewing all mailing lists, or you can click the Edit List tab when viewing the mailing list you want to edit.

You will then be shown a form similar to the form when the mailing list was created, except you are unable to change the user directory the mailing list is linked to.

Click the Save Mailing List button to save your changes.

Deleting a Mailing List

To delete a mailing list, either click the delete icon when viewing all mailing lists, or click the Delete List tab when viewing the list you want to delete.

You will be prompted to confirm that you want to delete the list before it is deleted. Click the Yes, delete this mailing list button to delete the list.


If you delete a mailing list that uses Campaign Monitor, the remote subscriber list is left untouched when you delete a mailing list in Recite. That is, the subscriber list will remain in Campaign Monitor and all users will remain in that list.

Synchronising a Mailing List

If you believe the data in Campaign Monitor doesn't match our local directory data, you can force the list to synchronise with Campaign Monitor by clicking the Synchronise Mailing List button when viewing the mailing list.


This can be a slow process if your user directory is large.