Managing Feeds

Feeds are managed using the Feeds Listing widget. When managing feeds, we are only concerned with the source data. That is, the data that makes up the feed.

The presentation of the feed (that is, whether we output the feed data as RSS or Google Sitemaps) using the page management tools. This is covered later this chapter.

Creating a Feed

To create a feed, click the New Web Feed button. You first need to select the type of data you want to create the feed from. Once you have chosen this you will be shown the feed creation form.

Once you have filled out this form, click the Create Web Feed button. The feed will now be created and appear in the feed listing widget.

Editing a Feed

To edit the options for a feed, click the Edit link beside the feed you want to make changes to. You will then be able to change options as required. Click the Save Web Feed Changes to save your changes.

Deleting a Feed

To delete a feed, click the Delete link beside the feed you want to delete. You will be prompted to confirm deletion. Click Yes, delete the web feed to delete the feed.


If you delete a feed that is published on your web site, any page used to output the feed will now return "404 Not Found" error.