Managing Control Panel Users

A Control Panel user is a user that can log in to the Control Panel and make changes to your web site. When a user is created you must select their role. A user role defines the level of authorisation for that user. That is, it controls what they can and cannot do.

Control Panel users are managed in a similar way to users in user directories. The main differences are that you cannot customize the list of fields for Control Panel users, and users can only have one role assigned to them.

Creating a New User

To create a new user, click the New User button from the Control Panel Users widget. You will then be shown a dialog with the user creation form.

Select the user's role and enter their other details. Once you have completed this form click Create User. The new user will appear in the list of Control Panel users.

To view the new user, click their entry in the list of Control Panel users. The user details widget will now open.

Editing a User

To edit a user, either click the Edit link beside their name in the list of Control Panel users, or click Edit User when viewing the user.

You will then be shown the user edit form. Update any details as required then click Save User Changes.

Deleting a User

To delete a Control Panel user, either click the Delete button beside the user in the user listing, or click the Delete User button when viewing the user.

You will be prompted to confirm deletion of the user account. Click Yes, delete the user to delete the user. This action cannot be undone.

Disabling a User Account

If you want to temporarily disable access to an account (meaning that user will be unable to log in to the Control Panel), you can update its status. To do so, follow the instructions for editing a user, and select the appropriate user status.