Managing Comments

When a comment has been submitted you can view it by viewing the group it belongs to. From here you approve (or unapprove), edit and delete the comment.


You cannot create new comments via the Control Panel. This may change in the future, but for now, if you want to manually add a comment, add it from your web site.

You can click on any comment in the table. Doing so will open a dialog which displays all the data stored with the comment.

Approving or Unapproving a Comment

A comment won't be visible on your site until it is approved. This allows you to moderate submitted comments and avoid having anything unsavory on your site. When you create a comment group you can choose whether or not comments need approval.

If comments in the group require approval, you can do this when browsing the comments in the comment group. Click the Approve button beside a comment to approve it. Alternatively, you can select multiple comments at once then approve them all at once by clicking the Approve button at the bottom of the table.

Likewise, you can unapprove comments in the same manner. Unapproving comments is not a feature you would typically use - if you have a comment you no longer want you would typically delete it.

Editing a Comment

Sometimes a comment will be submitted that you want to make some minor changes to. You can do this by clicking the Edit link beside the comment.

You will then be shown a dialog where you can make any changes as required. Click Save Comment Changes once you have made any required changes.

Deleting a Comment

You can delete a comment by clicking Delete beside the comment you want to delete. To delete multiple comments at once, select all the comments to delete and click Delete at the bottom of the table.

You will be prompted to confirm deletion before any comments are deleted.


This operation cannot be undone.

Viewing Comments Linked to Content

When you view comments using the comment group viewer widget, you will see all comments that belong to the group. For example, if your comment group holds comments about calendar events, all comments will be shown, regardless of the calendar event they are linked to.

You can also view all comments linked to a particular content item. For example, if you want to see all comments linked to a specific calendar event, load the calendar event in the Calendar Event Viewer widget and click the Comments tab.