Importing Events

You can add a large number of events to the calendar module at a time using either events CSV importer. To use the importer, click on the Import Events tab when viewing a calendar.

You will then be prompted to upload a CSV file and select the type of events you're importing. Additionally, you can choose how the importer should handle duplicate rows. You can choose the field which determines that a row is a duplicate and what to do when a duplicate is found.

The first row of the CSV file must contain the headings of which fields to map to. These headings should correspond to the names of the custom fields for the event type you're importing. Additionally, the following field titles are mapped to the event:

After the CSV file has been uploaded and processed (which may take a few minutes for a large file) you will be shown a summary of what occurred, such as the number of valid rows, number of rows created and a summary of any errors that occurred.

Date Format

When importing events you must specify the start and finish time of the events (the heading names in the CSV should be Start and Finish respectively). You can either specify the start and finish with a date and time or just a date (both must be in the same format).

If you're specifying the date and time the format is YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS, whereas if you're just specifying the date the format is YYYY-MM-DD.

If you specify only the date then the event is treated as an all day event.

You can specify the finish time stamp to be the same as the start if required.

Linking Categories

You can link imported events to categories by specifying a column called Categories. Each event can be linked to multiple categories, each of which should appear on a new line within the event.

Categories are specified by separated the category path using a slash. For example, if your main categories is News and sub-category is Press Releases, the full category path is /News/Press Releases.

Linking Files

You can link imported events to files in the File Manager by specifying a column called Files. Each event can be linked to multiple files, each of which should appear on a new line within the event.

Files are specified using their full path in the File Manager.


Don't prefix the path with /assets as you would on the client web site.

Handing Duplicates

When viewing the matrix of import data, you can choose how duplicate rows should be handled. If a row is deemed to be a duplicate, you can choose to create a new event (in addition to the original); you can update the original with new data; or you can flag the row as an error.

In order to detect duplicates you must choose which field determines whether a row is a duplicate or not.

Additionally, you can choose the scheme for updating categories and files. You can either replace current categories or files with those specified in the new CSV, or you can merge them.